Economic crisis


The content and direction of globalization processes that have gained massive nature for the beginning of. The depth of current global financial crisis lay preconditions fundamental change in the strategy development of all entities (from micro to global), are accompanied by restructuring the world economic space as a whole with change economic centers of world development. At the same time increasing problem of harmonious integration of the country and its regions in the global economic space, as they relate to the world economy through a combination of external and internal market. In this context, assessments of trends and features of development in Ukraine makes it possible to assert the urgency of the tasks of directing their spatial, organizational, functional, administrative, financial, institutional, investment and innovation transformations in an integrated manner. Under these conditions, growing demand in the formation of an adequate theory of regional development, justifying the revised methodology for analyzing and deepening of regionalization actualizes the task of ensuring integrated development of regions

Economic growth and sales potential of any economic system depends largely on how efficiently placed its productive forces. Account of specific territorial organization of the productive forces in the practice of management to achieve significant economies of social labor, significantly improve the structural parameters of the economy and its main macro-and microeconomic indicators.

Improving the economic mechanism in Ukraine during the formation of a market economy is based on economic research, including in the field of productive forces. Comprehensive analysis of the processes occurring in the economic and social spheres of society, deep scientific generalization promote the formulation of sound recommendations for improving the territorial organization of production, including improvement of specialization and comprehensive accommodation areas, rationalization of production and territorial ties based on advanced exchange. Knowledge of the laws of productive forces and allows the complex to reveal additional sources of higher productivity, which has considerable importance for predicting development of economy of Ukraine and its economic regions

1. The main problems of productive forces in Ukraine

Within Ukraine there is a significant territorial differentiation of the spatial distribution of population and production facilities, which makes the problem of rationalization of production. So, now the society spends huge sums on transportation of raw materials, fuel and finished products due to the remoteness of the territorial elements of production (and this trend is very clear). To improve the allocation of production, it is necessary to carry out protyvytratnyh measures, including reduced transport costs. A significant role will be played and the rationalization of productive forces with regard to the ecological validity of placing new production, optimization of intersectoral links and more.

Methodological problems of productive forces is inseparable from their rational territorial organization, which is the basis of economic division. The last is based on territorial division of labor, which, in turn, is associated with production specialization and economic areas require strict proportionality of their development.

Radically change the conditions of the last two or three decades, accompanied by a significant expansion of information resources, increased knowledge on the organization of social and economic processes together with the deepening of regional specialization imposes requirements for the evaluation of comprehensive development of the region and requires proper evaluation of the transition region as a complex set of zobmezhenoyu phenomena, essential for learning or research of the complex, qualitative evaluation of its individual components to complete its comprehensive general characteristics that meet the objectives of sustainable development. According to the evaluation criteria of comprehensive regional development along with economic, social, environmental and criteria should be balance, proportionality, stability, controllability. Real reflection of institutional contradictions and problems is incomplete and secondary employment, poor flow of labor reallocation between sectors of economic activity, the practice of granting administrative leave due to low capacity utilization, territorial uncontrolled circulation of labor. In regions of Ukraine growth in total labor turnover and labor mobility observed uAvtonomniy Republic of Crimea, Kyiv, Sevastopol and in Kyiv, Mykolaiv, Odesa, Kharkiv regions. From half-day (week) occupied much of the staff of leading regional industries of transport and communications, industry, construction, high labor turnover has been generated in the field of hotels and restaurants, trade, repair services.

Assessment of circulation areas of labor, the use of informal employment and underemployment, as well as their low productivity suggest the need to strengthen institutional foundations of employment as an important task for modern economic policy and its regions. Significant expansion of the boundaries of informal sector employment is contrary to the requirements of effective management. Its existence makes it possible to satisfy consumer demand for inexpen

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Курсовые работы по английскому языку Entry The content and direction of globalization processes that have gained massive nature for the beginning of. The depth of current global
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